About us


(Noah Young)

Noah was responsible for the narration in Morinomu and composed the music for it. Noah has been producing music for 4 years now and loves learning new things when it comes to making music. Noah uploads on Soundcloud as Youngens, even though most of his projects center around hip hop, he takes great joy in exploring different sounds and genres


Henryx has designed the graphics for Spacecraft. He's also working on the newest projects, like Kumori. He's specialized in creating pixel art.


Sossinay is a young game developer from Switzerland. He started coding when he was just 6 years old.

He’s worked on many projects, but never really published them. Until August 2023. He published the game “Spacecraft”, and wave-defence in space. He sent it to a contest and he and his artist Henryx won the contest. Sossinay decided to continue creating games.

Sossinay created a website using github and created a Discord server that should help him collaborate with his teammembers.