Kumori is an endless runner game, that plays in a downtown city. The graphics are made by Henryx (as always) and sossinay is coding the game. The game is not progressing well, we don't expect it to be released soon, hopefully in May 2025
Please note: Devlog is incomplete. It got started on 23rd of February 2024.14.04.2024
Kumori tweak 1.04
Added hanging signs and bridges to slide under
I added more advancements, fixed some viewport bugs and other minor bugs too.
I added a menu, where you can disable rain particles (for better performance)
I added the elements and fixed some minor bugs. I also changed the leaderboard storing method to be more efficient. I also updated the playtest. Have fun!
I added an FPS-Warning
I created a bug-list (see below)
The graphics have arrived. I added a rarity system to the obstacle spawner, and put the new obstacles in. The game now has a purpose.
New elements: (In-demo items are highlighted)
Trash cans
Cars (Two variations. One is extremely rare (1:1000))
Trash bags
Warning triangles
23.2.2024: Access to eary-game
You can now officialy playtest Kumori. The link to the playtest is at the bottom of the website
23.2.2024: Creation of this page
Nothing to say, right?
How does it work?
We as an indie gamedev team are heavily relying on feedback from players. To produce a good game, we are thankful for every feedback. If you want to playtest Kumori, please record your screen (including mouse cursor) and send it to this email: sossinayDev@gmail.com